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Your August Horoscopes

01 August 2018
Your Horoscopes

No matter where you are in your life, and no matter where you have been, this month presents a massive opportunity to enhance it by harnessing the energies of the eclipse. Eclipses don’t come along every month, and so are a rare chance to really change course. To do that, set aside some time on 11 August, just after the New Moon, from 11am onwards. Write a list of all the things you are grateful for, and your wishes and intentions for your life. Imagine them coming true and say out loud: “For the good of all or not at all.” Also note that on 28 August, Mars – the planet of action and drive – ends its retrograde cycle and starts to move forward again. If you have been finding it hard to get motivated about doing all the things you want to do, then the end of the Mars retrograde should help you out.


23 Jul to 22 Aug

If you’re not already experiencing major ups and downs in your life, then you’d better check your birth certificate and make sure you’re actually a Leo! The eclipse action from last month continues now with even more force, as the New Moon eclipse on 11 August takes place in your sign. You need to think about how you want your life to be – the universe supports you in making changes.

Power date: 11 August – the New Moon is in your sign and so it’s the perfect moment to make 10 wishes


23 Aug to 22 Sep

The time is right to get into ‘New Age’ things such as yoga or meditation as the eclipse fires up your deep and mysterious Twelfth House. Having better intuition, and going ‘within’ for your answers to life questions, will make it much easier for you to achieve any and all of your goals.

Power date: Your Mercury retrograde ends on 19 August, and you’ll feel more normal


23 Sep to 22 Oct

Whatever else you do in August, make 10 wishes on the 11th at 11am. Write them down, read back over them and imagine them as real, see them in your mind’s eye. It’s a potentially very fruitful month for you, when you can tell the universe your dreams and get a response. And as loving Venus enters your sign for a spell on 7 August, get out and flirt if you’re single!

Power date: 18 August is a great day to finally say what you should have said before


23 Oct to 21 Nov

If you don’t work, then this month could see you being recognised by your family or your community for some great ‘non-work’ achievement. And if you’ve been toying with the idea of getting back into the workforce part-time to earn a little cash on the side, it could be worth doing that now. And if you are in a job, clients or colleagues could be amazed by your accomplishments.

Power date: 13 August, when people are going to start taking you more seriously


22 Nov to 21 Dec

Confusion and delays about a study or travel plan you’ve been preparing should come to an end now. You have all the information you need to move things forward with a big idea you’ve had, so be bold. This month it looks like your family will be leaving you feeling positively uplifted.

Power date: 18 August – a great day to decide to do more of what inspires you


22 Dec to 19 Jan

All your hard work has to pay off eventually, right? And that could happen now as the eclipse fires up the part of your chart that’s all about money and sex. If you would like more of either of these in your life, take action now. There is an incredible power in intention, so set your intentions and make them happen. Suddenly the way forward should be clearer!

Power date: On 13 August you should feel like you’ve got more energy at last


20 Jan to 18 Feb

There is a New Moon eclipse in your Love Zone this month, which is about as big a sign as you are going to get that something has to change in your most important relationship. If you and your partner (or ex) have been in negotiations to get something sorted out, clarity should come this month. If you’re single and open to love, then that gorgeous stranger could finally turn up…

Power date: 7 August – you may well start to sense that you’re back on track


19 Feb to 20 Mar

You get a chance to make improvements in your daily life and your routines. The eclipse is igniting the part of your horoscope where you set your schedules and timetables. Whatever isn’t working for you, make adjustments now. Talk to who you need to and let them know what would suit you better. At work, take the opportunity to renegotiate your job description.

Power date: 18 August is a great day to be a Piscean


21 Mar to 19 Apr

Big changes are headed your way when it comes to romance and creativity. There is an eclipsed New Moon and Mercury retrograde ending in the part of your horoscope where you let your hair down and have a good time. So aim for more fun in the coming months. Hopefully you have already worked out how to fit more enjoyment into your life. And if not, do so now. Heck, you’re Aries – it’s your birthright.

Power date: 27 August, when you get your mojo back


20 Apr to 20 May

It’s all happening for you at home and in your family life. Think about what you want and how you can achieve it – because even though you have amazing stars in your personal life, determination is still required. As for romance, your partner or new date could make you feel on top of the world. But if your other half doesn’t inspire you, effect some decisive changes in that area.

Power date: 7 August – a day when a special extra something puts a smile on your face


21 May to 20 Jun

If you’ve been thinking that you’re not even talking the same language as other people, and have been besieged by mixed messages and confusion, that can stop now as your planet Mercury ends its reverse cycle in your Communications Zone. You should start to get your message across much more clearly now, so make a real effort. Financially, you’re getting a second chance. And your professional life could leave you feeling on a high.

Power date: 19 August, when Mercury goes direct and life starts to make more sense


21 Jun to 22 Jul

If you need money, it could be coming your way as the New Moon eclipse stimulates your Cash Zone and Mercury stops reversing in the same part of your chart. Not only are the financial brakes off, but it’s also full steam ahead now if you have an idea for boosting your income. On the romance front, things are also looking pretty positive.

Power date: 26 August is a very intense day for at least one relationship